Tuesday, May 3, 2011

God Is Infinite - How?

Hindu people (Vedanta) and many other religion tells us that God is infinite. But, the question is "how"?
Here is an attempt to prove it-
In Upanishad Shanti Path it has been written-
"... Purnashya Purnamadaya Puranam Eb Abasishyate.."
Here, it is said, if we subtract "Purna" or "Brahma" or "God" from "Purna" or "Bramha" or "God", the same thing(!) "Purna" or "Brahma" or "God" remains.
Mathematical representation of the sloka (verse)

Now, let's replace Purna/Bramha/God with x.
So the calculation now looks like-
We, know x-x=0(zero), we have to find the value of x when x-x=x
For two values of x, x-x=x is possible. First value is of course 0 (zero), as (0-0)=0 and another value of x which tend to satisfy the condition x-x=x is infinity (∝). Here one should note, infinity can neither be counted nor *imagined*. Ya, infinity can not be imagined by human brain! We can try to conceptualize infinity in two different ways- i) we can conceptualize a number without a certain value assigned to it. It is like knowing a person without knowing/calling his name. But, you can call it a variable, but, not infinity.
Another think we can do is we can put dots to describe infinity like the infinity is 999999........., but that is not infinity too. The value of infinity is incomplete here. You will say, it can't be completed anyhow! Yes, that's what i am saying too! You can't imagine infinity!
And as infinity can not be imagined, infinity-infinity should be infinity.
Now coming back to the main point-
So, the value of Purna/Bramha/God may be two, either it is 0 (zero) ELSE it is infinity! Generally, the second value is taken. So, Bramha or Purna or God is infinity. (Proved)
Now, this is is a subject of another study that what is the EXACT relation between Zero and infinity!

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