Sunday, May 1, 2011

Human senses Take At Least 5 Tera Bytes Of Information Everyday

i have recently found a wonderful and amazing information. i have a habit to read articles randomly from Wikipedia. In a Wikipedia article, i have read today that- "The senses (i.e Human Senses) take in billions of bits of information every second"
A rough calculation. though, in Wikipedia article, it is mentioned "Billions", let's consider it is 1 Billion bits of information/second.
Now 1 Billion bits = 125000000 Bytes= .... ..... = 0.11642 Giga Bytes.
So, 0.11642 Giga Bytes of information is collected or taken by human senses every second.

So, a general human brain takes more than "at least" 5 Terra Byte of information from outside everyday [Considering 16 hours=active part of a day].

unfortunately, though billion bits of information is taken by human senses every second, but, only around 40 bits are processed by human brain every second.
i just wish if human brain could process all those 5 Terra Byte information every day...... LOL!

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