Sunday, May 1, 2011

Om Tat Sat Om

If you have read Swami Vivekananda's "Vir Vani", then probably you have noticed that each of the thirteen poetries ends with the appeal(!)- "So say loudly, Om Tat Sat Om". In this pots, ia m going to discuss on the phrase "Om Tat Sat Om".
Om Tat Sat Om or Om Tat sat is a Sanskrit Mantra which is considered to be a divine mantra for its very deep meaning.
The word "Om" means, "The Supreme Being". In Patanjali's Yoga Shastra, it is written "Tashya Bachaka Pranava", that means, The God is described/called/depicted by "Pranava", and "Pranava" is "Om. Here it needs to be mentioned that, Om is mainly related to Vedanta. And the main pronciple of Vedanta is unitarian, i.e. one God and He is covered all over the universe. In Gita, it is told, the whole universe (regardless of time) is the body of that "One" God! So, "Om" the word represents that One omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient God!
"Tat" is a pronoun in Sanskrit. 'Tat' means, 'That'.
"Sat" means, 'true' or 'truth'. Here, the definition of truth  according to Vedantist beliefs should be discussed. Truth, according to Vedanta is another name of God, which does not change from time to time or from place to place. We know, the word the root word of Vedas is "Vid" which means, knowledge. And knowledge is that which helps someone to progress mentally or spiritually or acquire mental or spiritual strength.So, here, knowledge is "truth". As we are discussing here on "Om Tat sat Om" and not "Sat" or "truth" only, so, we'll mot go further here, but, one should not think the meaning of truth in general way when (s)he is studying/thinking about Om Tat Sat Om, otherwsie (s)he will not understand  the meaning of the Sloka.

So, now if we put together the meaning of the three words we just got, that becomes "The Supreme Being (God) is the Truth", more clearly, Om Tat Sat Om means "The Supreme Being" or God is the Ultimate and Only Truth.

(Primarily) everything is beautiful (truthful), but, according to Vedanta, the God or the Supreme Being is the Most Beautiful (truthful), and in the sloka, actually this very meaning has been tried to describe. Everything is tending to perfectness, no one and nothing is perfect, only God or The Supreme Being is Perfect!
Om Tat sat Om!

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